Did I ever mention how great it is to be a student? I really don't envy people who have to go to work regulary, can't sleep in and don't make it to practise on time! ok, they've much more stones, and -regarding all the expenses I'm facing- that should be an issue for me... but well, not yet! me becoming responsible and reliable has to wait until a have a family.
ok, so now some news themed:
Life is simple and great
and full of Ultimate!
Did you hear that noise sounding like an avalanche? That was a huge rock falling from my heart after finally finding a place to live! yay! the night before that I had three cancellations "nope, sorry. we found someone else..." and I was REALLY getting desperate afterwards, starting to lower my demands and also praying when I went to bed. and you know what? it helped! the next morning I had a text message telling me: "hey, we want you as our new flatmate!" if it hadn't been 10a.m. I would have opened a bottle of champaign or so! yaaaaaaaaaaaay!
So, I'm going to move into Frankfurt (to be precise: here), with 2 other students, both 24, more the don't-party-too-hard-type"... Yay, I'll live mixed! The room is 20m², with nice parquet flooring and *tromptetsandfanfaresplayingdrumroll* even cheaper than Offenbach! whoooohoooo! 270€ all inclusive. See? I don't need lot's of money!
but what would an blog-entry be without long entusiastic tirades about ultimate frisbee?! not mine!
so, last weekend we played "Poolimate" in Darmstadt, Big Brother watching us. and luckily for RTL they had some dramatic things to shot and show the world. See yourself: Part one about our practise and Part two about the tourney. I am not impressed. At least they think that "a little disc could do it's share for world peace". BTW, they cut out my comment about the unnecessity of having a referee and the understanding pro7-audience... I have no idea why!
some thoughts, summarized:
- I couldn't sleep friday night, didn't hear my alarm bell in the morning and missed my ride to DA. Although it wasn't my fault I was ashamed and very sorry for those who had to wait. I so don't want my team-mates to think I am unreliable! But for some crazy reasons I'll never understand, no-one was mad at me, except for myself...
- We played well but lost focus after the first half, so we just came out 6th (of 12) by having one point less then the team in 5th place.
- Although I thought our offence was chaotic I felt I did quite good, got some almost-defences as well. after the first game, which we won unexpectedly, my mood was good again!
- The dinner with 2 other teams, Saarbrücken and K'lautern, was incredibly fun! This time we played freezemaster with 35 people and had many fit of laughters trying out tongue twisters like "You know New York, unique New York. You know you need unique New York".
- The party was tons of fun as well! despite bad cocktails, we danced until early morning, consequently ignoring our sore muscles.
- Sunday morning was weird, very untypical with funny faces and a good game against Mainz. And despite way too little sleep the last nights and still being a bit drunk I did well, too.
- Still full of endorphines I just HAD to go to practise on monday, and the leg Robert hadn't massaged punished me with pain. So what?
At this point I take a deep breath, thank God for all my luck and these incredible people I am surrounded by, and hope I shall not forget about it in times less glory and promising...
soon, I WILL put up the report about Ireland and soon I'll close down this time-consuming internet, but before that, I wanna thank my parents for this new fancy laptop (called "potpal" or just "potty") and say: Mutsch, Paps, you ARE incredible! I wanna be independent and everything, but everytime I fail doing so and become impaitent you are there. wow.
oh, one last thing. For the first time in my life I wanted to be brave and asked a guy out I had met at the public viewing of the room. I was impressed by the way he was interacting with other people and thought he must be fun, so I just suggested to have a coffee. To my surprise he agreed and we went out last night. And -against all Hollywood impressions- the date was a lot easier and relaxed; we never ran out of things to talk about, started Mission impossible "find wine after 11p.m." and finally sat by the river and watched the silent dolphin and talked about the Museum of the Teaching Trees. His humor is a weird as mine!
last before I shut Potty down and pack my stuff for the weekend in Holland:
Why is the peep-show called so? Because there are too many words used which need to be peeped-out? but they don't really talk that much...
Ui, hab ich jemals erwähnt wie toll es ist, Student zu sein? Ich beneide wirklich niemand der regelmäßig arbeiten gehn muss, nicht ausschlafne kann und es nicht rechtzeitig zum training schafft! Nunja, vielleicht haben die mehr Schotter, und - betreffs der vielen mich bereits erwartenden Ausgaben - eigentlich sollte es mich schon jucken... aber tut's noch nicht! Dass ich verantwortungsbewusst und zuverlässig werde muss warten bis ich eine Familie habe. so 2050... circa.
und nun ein paar Neuigkeiten nach dem Motto
Das Leben ist einfach und toll
und so mit Ultimate Frisbee voll!
Was ist weiß und stört beim Essen? Richtig, eine Lawine! Dieses Donnern gerade aber waren die Steine, die mir vom Herzen gefallen sind, weil ich endlich ne Wohnung gefunden habe! Juchuuu! Wer hätte daran noch geglaubt, va als am Abend zuvor noch 3 Absagen kamen "nee ne neeee nee nee, du nicht!" Und schließlich war ich RICHTIG verzweifelt, musste meine Ansprüche stark zurückschrauben und betete sogar abends im Bett. aber soll ich ma was sagen? Es hat geholfen, denn mein Handy piepste wieder und überbrachte die frohe Botschaft. Wenn es nicht morgens um 10 gewesen wäre hätte ich ne Flasche Sekt aufgemacht. oder zumindest n Kakao!
tja, endlich werde ich also in Frankfurt wohnen (genauer gesagt: hier), mit zwei anderen Studenten, 24, nicht so ganz der "mach-die-Nacht-zum-Tag"-Typ, aber immerhin n Männl und n Weibl! Das Zimmer ist 20m² groß, Parkettboden und das beste... (Zeit die Luft anzuhalten!) billiger als Offenbach! jippie-ja-ja-jeh! Warm mit allem drum und dran 270€. Was zu beweisen war: Ich brauche nicht soviel Geld!
und wiedereinmal werde ich die Frisbee-Lobeshymne, ohne welche mein Blog nicht derselbe wär, nicht auf deutsch übersetzen, aber immerhin einen lustigen Versuch von RTL da durchzusteigen verlinken. Teil1 vom Training und Teil2 vom Poolimate (Turnier in Darmstadt). Tja, wir sind schlechte Pressarbeit mittlerweile gewöhnt ("ausgezählt bei 8" ist da noch der harmlosteste Fehler). Den Spirit haben die jedenfalls nciht eingefangen... Und mein Kommentar über die unnötigkeit eines Schiedsrichters und das verständnisvolle pro7-Publikum haben sie komischerweise rausgeschnitten... Warum wissen nur die Sterne.
Auf jeden Fall war nicht nur Poolimate ein Höhepunkt in der Reihe fantastischer Ereignisse in meinem noch so blutjungen Leben und an dieser Stelle atme ich tief ein und danke Gott für all mein Glück und die unglaublich wundervollen Leute mit denen ich umgeben bin, und hoffe dass es nicht in Vergessenheit gerät wenn die Zeiten mal weniger rosig und vielversprechend sind.
Übrigens kommt bestimmt bald der Irland-Bericht. Gaaaanz bestimmt!
Und die Frage des Tages:
Warum heißt die Peep-Show so? Weil die Leute da so viele schmutzige Wörter verwenden, die eigetnlich rausgepiept werdne müssten? Aber soviel reden die doch gar nicht...
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3 Kommentare:
Hey, Julia, congrats on finding a new flat. I wish I could have played Poolimate with Franfurt again. Nice jerseys, too!
do you mean the UK comedy Peep Show? If so, I guess it's to do with the viewpoint of the camera, so the viewer always sees what the character sees.
If you don't mean that show, then... well, you should see the show. We have it on DVD, and since you have so much time, it won't take you long to watch it.
Seton Beggs 12:29: the not yet ireland post was super nice!
Seton Beggs 12:29: - were you talking about the tv show Peep-Show?
Lia 12:32: no
Lia 12:32: in germany there was an erotic show called so
Seton 12:33: ah
Seton 12:33: peep is basically the same word as peak
Lia 12:34: mhm
Seton 12:34: peep/ peak/ voyeurism etc..
Lia 12:34: ok, that makes sense. you can still comment and therefor tell others, too
Lia 12:34: if you like
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