Freitag, 25. Mai 2012

Weltretter - wer is(s)t leidenschaftlich?

Ich bin eine von den Guten! Habt ihr schon immer gewusst, wa!?
Ihr wollt werden wie ich? Kein Problem! Guckst du:

Diese Sendung bestätigt genau zwei Tatsachen:
1. Wir Deutschen haben ne schlimme Esskultur, die den wenigsten bewusst ist.
2. Am Ende des Beitrags seht ihr: mein Trend "Stoffbeutel als Handtaschen" hat sich durchgesetzt.

So, wer mir jetzt noch verrät, wie ich es schaffe von Fisch loszukommen, wird von mir zum Essen eingeladen. :)

Unsere WG kriegt wieder neue Mitbewohner, aber nur einen diesmal: Yoann, Franzose, hat ne Käsephobie. Kaum vorstellbar für Fetarier wie mich!

Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012

get up, racing, chasing

waaaaaa-wa-king up is so hard after 8 am... I feel better being woken up before that, call me crazy. So today was difficult, I feel totally paralized, no power. I have to get my secret weapon: a combination of coffee and music, then dance into my clothes (what shall I wear??) and around the apartment with a wiper in my hand...

the plan sounds good, I just need to get away from the internet. what sense does it make to sit in front of the computer, with a healthy bowl of breakfast, watching rocket launches? at 10am?? I'm soooo inconsistent, and: I still eat fish. at least, if I never become who I'll try to be, then I'll always be busy, which is good. keeps me away from the internet. this bad bad thing!
I shall smash it!
and then I'd take Joe my bike and cruise to a library, then to another one, keep writing, no cash no style...

when I started this post I felt totally poetic, now I only feel po... Did I sleep too long? At least I had cool crazy dreams as usual: starring a legless man who was the new boyfriend of a friend of mine and some frisbee players, that I don't know in real life, coming to a party for me which had to be cancelled, cause the wires-and-post-construction, where we wanted to climb at, broke down. Yes, that goes to the "normal dream" category.

And at the end of the day, there is only ultimate frisbee, a passion that stuck with me like a ohrwurm. We've set high goals for this season, women and mixed, trying to get into frist league again. It'll be difficult cause we've got so many beginners... But the tournament in Bruges showed that there's lots of talent combined with lots of motivation, makes me impatient to play! Personally, I need to work on my throws and become even faster, better in shape.
And the best news so far? Guess who'll be playing with me and fabulous Cranberry Snack in Windmill (Amsterdam) this year?? Yes, Bhava, my best friend from America! I am so happy, I'll throw another party when she'll arrive!
Until that I gotta be getting up, racing, chasing!