wow, a new day, a new week and already some great things that happened to me this morning!
first: I woke up!
second: I felt great!
third: I realized that it´s half past 3 in the morning so I can get 4 more hours of sleep!
last night I came back from a short trip to Paris, which has been quite exciting , exhausting and also disillusioning, to put it down in 3 words.
we did all the stuff normal tourists normally do: see the eiffle tour, arc de triumph, sacre coer and so on, ate cheese and drank wine, despaired of speaking french and let someone steal our camera. so if you wanne be a real tourist, Paris is the place to go! ortherwise I recommend ryanair, offering cheap flights to loads of great european countries!
BTW, I´ve been to the GENESIS concert in Frankfurt last week... amazing!! Phil Collins is the perfect entertainer and the others guys still know how to play good music! I strongly advice anyone to visit their show!
well, gotta continue this fabulous day...
c ya!

Picasso museum
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