Montag, 25. Juni 2007

who´s better? WHO´s best!!

finally! my report on the (surprisingly) fantastic THE-WHO-concert in Leipzig...
want a first impression?the whole story started when Linda won the tickets by accident, then I convinced her to go, since she´d never heard of this band before Linda wasn´t very enthusiastic; me, I´d never pay money to see THE WHO but if there´s a chance to visit their concert for free... I mean, they are THE WHO! not any band but the famous I-smash-my-guitar-after-every-fucking-performance-band!
I only had heard one or two songs of them, not speaking about the amount Linda knew so we didn´t have any special expectations regarding to the music. but we had others, and they were delivered. the audience was pretty much as old as music itself; I´d never seen so many jeans-jackets and beer bellys before.

so, ...we had fun! in between the song the people called the band´s name ("who!who!who!...") in kind of a doggish way which reminded of Tim Taylor and all the Tool-Time-guys...
and - as mentioned earlier - the music was fantastic, much better as I had imagined it! the played the one song I knew so I could sing along (won´t get fooled again and, btw, behind blue eyes), the rest was good, too. here a little sequence I did with my little camera:

unbelievable how even old people like Pete Townshend still go nuts on stage! well, he wasn´t jumping around as he did in the old times but Pete still played the guitar like crazy with his hand rotating and held up high in between chords. by the way, he didn´t smash it at the end of the concert... ;)
all in all: great experience! I´ve seen THE WHO! LIVE! after all, they still can be called a rock´n´roll band rightly!

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