let's start with the HechTen tournament 2 weeks ago: Although we were registered with 2 teams (Sturm&Drang and Frau Rauscher) we didn't really have enough players for both, especially on sunday after some had left or were injured. And although I had played for more than 1 team at once before, this time it wore me out! I was so exhausted after the first game with our open team that I couldn't do the pearl position (or isolate) properly in the second. Not to mention my condition at the end of the second day: tired, cramps in my stomach, a slight sunstroke. But despite that "bad ending" the weekend was great, I lay in many different ways...
The highlights, summarized:

- above all, the weather! boring to mention, I know, but SUNNY...! I love it!
- with Sturm&Drang, first game; I am marking, getting closer after the count of 5, Katha shutting down the dump, the guy throws the disc away, turn!
- also first game; me throwing an accurate forehand/ flick to Axel... score! Normally I suck throwing under pressure, especially right before the endzone!
- with Frau Rauscher, second game; Eva had put me into the pearl position although I hadn't practised it much and despite my bad condition it worked out great, with a perfect communication between Eva and me, every pass arrived!
- on sand with Frau Rauscher; me throwing an accurate hammer/ overhead towards Katha over quite a distance against light wind, she caught and we scored! Everyone who has seen my hammers is gonna understand my excitement!
- on sand, also with Frau Rauscher; there was a bad throw towards me, had to run after it, wanted to jump and dive, didn't had the courage... minutes later, same thing, disc is in the air right before me, I see my defender from the corner of my eye, thinking: this is my disc! and laying out! Yay, my first real dive! I banged my had and had my mouth full of sand but - hey! the disc was in my hands!
- dinner with the team: me tying up Uwe's and Kolja's shoelaces under the table... Yes, I'm a kid!
- the winners ceremony: Frau Rauscher was annocend as the winner of the women's pool (we were the only women's team) and they went over to cheer and sing our song, not me, though, I couldn't move thanks to my aching stomach. But when I saw my team standing there, being happy despite having lost all games and singing with confidence that times gonna change, I felt so proud. It felt incredibly touching to be part of all this.
Ok, just for the record, some lowlights:
- my condition, already mentioned.
- Capa having a stretching ligament when stepping into a little whole. Wasn't that bad, but he couldn't play for the rest of the weekend... He said, it happened because he didn't let us sing for him (old birthday joke...).
- Frau Rauscher lost all of their games. We had fun, but still... it's a bit disencouraging.
- the music at the party: last year was much better! And no dance competition! Dang it!
- all together having not enough players...
- getting a hand-block from a beginner. Dang it! Memo to myself: Do the lunge! [Ausfallschritt]
As you may have noticed I still get excited about accurate throws or successful defences. I don't see myself as a good reliable player yet, although I can see the improvement, slowely but surely.
Which leads me directly to the tournament last weekend:
We went down to Heidelberg to play the Heidees Cup together with some players from Kaiserslautern since most of us were over in Berlin to play BUM. I got there with our new trainer Ali, me all inflated with coffee and therefor talking even more than usual. Poor Ali, he was still tired and din't say much... *ahem*
Anyways, the first games were a mess, as to be expected when you don't know each other. And the wind put us over the edge: Avoiding details I just wanna say that we all tried hard and also our large number of beginners did but we lost all games. This time I put on suncreen before EVERY game and always wore a hat when playing. I only forgot to drink enough water sunday morning, getting stomach cramps againg, then drinking something like 1,5l at once and feeling much better. Who would have thought that the solution is that simple?
This time things were the other way round: I didn't like the playing that much but everything happening outside of the field I enjoyed a lot. Examples:
- Having dinner altogether and going back in the car with 7 people. this crazy KL-guys!

- inventing little games when playing with Martin's glow-disc and rolling on the grass laughing!
- Us being the first on the dancefloor and playing "copy master": After a certain sign someone starts a move and everyone has to copy it. We tried to win the party but gave up at 3:30 a.m., no chance against the Schwaben!
- Having a very educational conversation with one of our girls that ended up me being messed up and low-spirited about myself. But I see it as a sign of her care for me, I try to take the critics and use it to improve my behavior towards others. I know how mean I can be...
- again, the weather! so bright and sunny, what more can you ask for? ok, less wind, maybe...
the only thing I really didn't like and -above all- understand was a comment by one of our players about my yellow shirt (we played white, our oppenents were black): He kept on teasing me, telling me, I don't belong to the team with that shirt. Well, I had a white one, just didn't see the point since I could be well disntinguished from the other team! His behavior confused me, was that supposed to be funny? Haha. Never laughed that hard! And if he was serious, well, why is that such a big deal?
Anyways, we ended up losing all games, the ones on sunday we didn't even score a single point. Sad but true: We all have to learn to throw and catch and I'm desperate to practise the handler's position! Of course we still enjoyed all the games, it's all about the spririt! And I know that my team is the best when reading a comment (wall post) made by a player from Kaiserslautern, takling about us: "I'm playing with Frankfurt. you know, the team that sang all the time ;)"
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