First of all I would wake up not knowing how this day is gonna be. It'd be just before sunrise, so I go out and see the sky getting light. Then I'd make myself some coffee, have breakfast in front of the open window and listen to "El Morro". While brushing my teeth I'd look into the mirror and find myself looking ok.
There no specific ideas about what happens next, probably nothing work-like and definitely no dentist! When checking my mail I'd have a postcard from a friend who's enjoying their holidays and wishes I would be with them, and a letter from my phone company who apologize for the inconvenience and accept my demand to get one more free month. On the street someone would smile at me without any special reason. I'd take the bike instead of the public transport, be much faster and listen to great music while riding in the sun. I'd meet someone unexpectedly and have an interesting conversation while we'd have our lunch.
When I'd come home the kitchen wouldn't look like a mess and when I turn on the radio they'd play at least two songs I really liked and haven't heard for a while. A friend would call and we talk about things we've done together, have a nice laugh and make an appointment to see each other soon. Of course there'd be frisbee practise where I'd do some nice catches/ throws/ lay-out's... and my trainer would tell me I've done well.
I'd make dinner with friends, someone - not me - would do the dishes. We'd drink wine, play games and, above all, make music together, whereas I'd play a Neil Young song on the guitar and everyone else sings along.
Before the day ends I'd go out for a little walk, look at the stars, feel the wind blow and have a little tear in my eye because I'd realize who lucky I am and that it has been a perfect day.
so... does this sound so unachievable? The truth is, every single day I find one of these small things happening, not all at the same time, though. I'm not looking for the big events like wining the lottery, attending a private concert of Billy Joel or saving the world. I just want to be able to enjoy normality with all these special moments, which I really can't at the moment. I'm not gonna have a perfect day. I'll go on with my life, or better: It goes on with me caught in it, wanting to be and act differently, failing. But tell me, how much difference does it make?

1 Kommentar:
>listen to great music while riding in the sun
Julia, this may seem like a nice way to spend time on a bicycle, but please don't do this! It's already hazardous enough on the roads without giving up one of your most important senses. This has been a public service announcement.
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