Im tristen Januar - so ganz ohne Glanz und Schnee - erinnern wir uns gerne an Dinge, die wir mögen. meine persönliche Hochphase des Komödiantischen... Lieblingszitat des Tages siehe oben.
andere Profis:
habe mir das Video gerade zum (geschätzten) 10. mal angesehn.
genauso toll ist auch:
ich beneide Kalkofe um seinen Wortwitz wie Sick (Zwiebelfisch) um seine Auffassungsgabe...
hier einige tolle Beispiele:

Fall ihr Weihnachten Ente gegessen habt.. Vorsicht! Hoffentlich war es nicht die Angie...
Falls sowas die Gemüter nicht erheitert, gibt es immernoch wundervolle Musik zum anhören: hier.
so schwingt man sich durch die Tage. Deutlich geht es bergauf, der Weg nimmt Formen an und Hindernisse sind ja bekanntlich am besten überwindbar, wenn deutlich sichtbar. Singend durch die Strassen tanzen, über Sorgen lachen, nörgelnde Menschen angrinsen.. ganz so weit isses noch nicht, aber solange Sonnenaufgänge - farbenprächtig unerwartet belebend - noch faszinieren ist nichts verloren.
die News dann auf englisch. logisch!
well then, since I don't think -on the one hand - translating the stuff above would make sense and my german speaking friends are interested in frisbee on the other hand, 2 differnt stories in 2 different languages...
Dresden! yay! my first tourney in my hometown (Heimat!), exciting, exhausting and exillusioning (I know this word doesn't exist, just created it in my poetic freedom): again I decided to play with two team during the whole tournament, Frankfurt, which I just cannot leave on it's own, somehow I feel the connection, the raised me, created the frisbee player I am today; and Ilmenau/ Forest Jump, who didn't have a single woman and whom I already played for at my anniversary tournament in Würzburg, nice guys. Both teams are equal, though the gap between the various players, referring to the level of experience, is bigger in the Frankfurt-Team, e.g. between Eva, Jello, Uwe and the rest. So we arrived with 6 women and 3 men, took some pick-up's from Ilmenau, Mother Tongue (Wayne) and DJ Dahlem (Marion) and therefor got a bit further than we would have with the many women on the field...
since I played 16 games altogether it's quite hard for me to remeber very single one, but to give a summary: lost games = (F)7, (I)5 ; games won = (F)1, (I)3
It was easier for me to play with Ilmenau, it seemed that they were more organized on the field, making better offers, more exact throws (I mean, still throwing away a lot, but not as far as Frankfurt...). Frankfurt had the better defence, Jello was everywhere and Uwe did some nice blocks. I felt that having pick-up's and putting them in charge makes it even more difficult to become a team. obviously that is Frankfurt biggest problem: since we have so many players, the same people rarely play together on tournaments.
anyways, it was a lot of fun and a weird experience to play from noon till midnight. it really didn't hurt to play the double amount, since Ilmenau always had the game right after Frankfurt , I was already warm and it didn't really matter if I play 25 or 50min. What I didn't like were the long breaks cause it turned out to be tough getting back on your feet after resting for over 1h.
all the time I looked for some friends of mine to show up but in vain... noone came to see me play. don't know what I expected, probably too much as usual, still... why didn't they at least come to the party?
anyways, I was so tired, not sore, but sleepy, that I rested for most of the time, watching people play badminton with disc as racquets over a living net. So funny to see the net throwing stuff (clothes, shoes!) at the men, the women were spared. see, there's some justice in this world... ;) so instead of going to bag I spent my time haninging out with the MT-guys - very funny, but stupid shallow girl-jokes/-talk (again, what did I expect?) - letting my drunk boyfriend ridcule me with dump lines, always assuring "Just kidding!", and talking about everything. the clock showed 5:43 a.m. when I finally closed the sleeping bag zip, then Rob came and again, he was so cute when he was drunk. so careful not to wke me up, but I couldn't sleep anyways...
after a very short night and way to few hours of recovering I felt so not ready to run after a piece of plastic again but my team spirit and sense of duty was stronger. Only 4 games today, should be possible. It was. and then the surprise: Marie came to watch me playing, followed by Jojo a few minutes later. Even my mum and my aunt showed up to see what my heart is bleeding for... I'm not quite sure if I did a good show but at least they had some nice impressions as I was told afterwards.
unforntunately there was a bit of an unecessary bad discussion about when to leave towards Frankfurt. Everone else wanted to go as soon as possible, doing without the finals and award-ceremony. it seemd to me, some were frustrated, not doing so well (we came in 12th out of 14, I think), not being able to play or whatever... Sergey said: "Why should we got to the Siegerehrung/winner's ceremony when we are no Sieger/ winners?" How unspirited! Luckily I could find a ride with a different team and so stay until the end. Then I had to say goodbye to my now good frisbee friends (yes, we are like a big family) and leave Dresden... but not for good!
so, when is the next tournament? can't wait! ;)
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