Ciao amigos!
das ist nun endlich der Sardinien-Bericht, so kurz wie möglich, trotzdem mit zahlreichen kleinen Stories, die den Urlaub so besonders gemacht haben...
Hier erstmal die Reisroute komplett. Und hier die Fotos. Übrigens befindet sich auch ein Link zu meiner öffentlichen Galerie auf dieser Seite links unter "Lesezeichen".
Das hin und her vorher hatte ich ja schon angesprochen: Leider hatte sich Sine verletzt und ich war mindestens so enttäuscht wie sie, dass nix aus unserem Mädels-Urlaub wurde (ja, es ist etwas komplett anderes, mit ner Frau zu verreisen!). Ich bin nicht dafür geschaffen, allein unterwegs zu sein, also musste ein neuer Mitreisender her, gar nicht so einfach auf die Schnelle. Doch siehe da, Michi hat Zeit, Lust und Kraft, das Ding mit mir durchzuziehn.
Vorher: Fange 3 Tage vorm Abflug an, mich über Sardinien zu informieren und Reise-/ Sprachführer zu besorgen, lasse mir von Freunden Erfahrungen mitteilen, sehe voller Glück auf den Wetterbericht und hoffe auf das beste! Drumherum nur Stress, viel Frisbee, Uni, Arbeit, es wird tatsächlich mal Zeit, den Kopf frei zu kriegen. Raus aus dem Netz von Sorgen, rein in die Verantwortungslosigkeit!
auf der Insel: (Zitate aus meinem Reistagebuch)
- Tag nach der Ankunft: "Sind auf einem Campplatz nachdem wir gestern groß Pizza essen und Wein trinken waren... Gleich am Anfang Luxus, so muss es sein! Heute: Sonnenschein, entspannte Stimmung, kaum trübe Gedanken oder gar Befürchtungen."
- Tag 3: "Finden den Weg nach Santa Maria De Palma, die Beschreibung der Supermarktfrau ignorierend entlang einer Abkürzung, müssen lange auf den Bus nach Sassari warten. Stadt ist genauso hässlich wie erwartet, keiner kann uns Auskunft geben. Suchen im Einkaufscenter nach Kartusche, komme mir da fremd vor, alle sind so schick und ...sauber. starren uns an. wir finden keine Kartusche. schließlich finden wir am Bhf raus, dass es von Olbia Busse nach Palau gibt (nach nem Beruhigungs-Cappuchino vorher) und das Gefühl der Verlorenheit legt sich etwas."
- Tag 5: "Heute ohne Wecker aufwachen, trotzdem noch relativ zeitig... kurzes Frühstück, dann auf zum Capo D'Orso, per pedes am strand etwas umherirren, dann Teerstraße bis zum Fels. ist sehr windig, sonst schön. klettern über Felsen und auch auf den Bären. treffen nettes Franzosen-Ehepaar (Roland + Elisabeth), die uns rückzu im Auto mitnehmen. [...]
mache Quatsch... ist das etwa normal? und seit wann interessiert mich das? man, man, bin irgendwie durcheinander, unzufrienden und genervt von Michi. der Arme kann gar nichts dafür. echt nicht! oh man, ich kann mich aber auch nicht entspannen... sind letztendlich zeitig im Bett."
- Tag 6: "Krasser Sturm in der Nacht, schlafe 1. Hälfte super, dann spärlich, teils extrem heftige Böen, Zelt hält. [...]
Ankommen im Ort nach über 2h [Busfahrt Nuoro - Lotzorai], es ist kurz vor 9, los geht Suche nach Essbarem. Finden nette kleine Pizzeria, probieren Sorte "Wurstel", die es überall gibt, hm! Dazu n Bier (Ichnusa), so lässt sich's leben. Regen hat quasi aufgehört, auf zum Wildcampen. Suche dauert an, laufen scheinbar im Kreis, überall Häuser, och herrje. Schließlich Richtung Meer, links nicht umzäuntes Gelände mit ein paar Bäumen, nehmen wir! ...irgendwo bellen Hunde."
- Tag 7: "Erstmal essen, dann kurzer Spaziergang am Strand, ans Wasser, beschließen in nem alten Barhaus (rund, überdacht) zu schlafen, auf den Holzplatten, ohne Zelt. 3 Jungs spielen in der Nähe, wir werfen n Frisbee, sind super gut drauf, ich hab ne Menge Spaß, ist sehr warm und windig. [...]
Nette Unterhaltung, sternenklarer Himmel, rennen am Strand rum, drehen (sehr oft), dann losrennen, kippen um... lol! beide angetrunken, sehr lustig. Und die Nacht ist so schön, die Sterne! Faszinierend! Schließlich ab in den Schlafsack in ner windgeschützen Stelle, Fußteil in den Packbeutel, falls es zieht... Gute Nacht!"
-Tag 8: "Ist Mittagszeit, d.h. überall Siesta, bleibt also nur McDoof. dann auf zum Zug, Abschied. witzle rum, am Fenster Grimassen, Ablenkung? bin einerseits froh, allein zu sein, andererseits weiß ich, dass es hart wird. Raus in Oristano, erstmal Ewigkeiten umherirren (Stadtzentrum, wo bist du?), dann endlich Busstation finden, mit Hilfe von Nonnen auch entsprechende Haltestelle, merkwürdiges Gefühl hält an."
- Tag 9: "Wer bin ich eigentlich?"
"Hallo Deutschland. Hallo Kälte. Sonnenuntergang während der Rückfahrt. Sieht aus wie Herbst draußen und für einen Moment weiß ich nicht welchen Monat wir haben. Fühle mich ziemlich orientierungslos. Drehe mich um zur Sonne als ob sie mir eine Antwort geben könnte.
Trotzdem freue ich mich auf daheim, vor allem auf meine Freunde! Endlich hat die Einsamkeit ein Ende. Jetzt beginnt wieder Stress. Und Verantwortung. Noch aber sitze ich nachdenklich im Bus, Jack Johnson singt gerade "That's alright, it's alright..." Hilft gut gegen Nachdenklichkeit. Der Urlaub hat mich etwas aus der Bahn geworfen. Oder meinen Orientierungssinn weiter verwirrt. Was war da genau? darüber muss ich schlafen. "
Gedanken dazwischen:
- viele: Deutsche, Echsen, Hunde (in der Reihenfolge)
- Wetter: windig und sonnig
- Menschen: sprechen kein dt. oder engl., nett, laut, herzlich, chaotisch, krass aufgestylt (große schwarze Sonnenbrille, Handy am Ohr, Kippe im Mund)
- Landschaft: wild, eingezäunt, bergig, überraschend anders
- sonstiges: an den Beschilderung verzweifelt der akurate Deutsche, Entfernungen sind meist groß untertrieben, nirgends gibt es besseren und billigeren Kaffee!
und im Endeffekt... war's schön. nur hätte ich nicht gedacht, dass entspannen so schwer sein kann!
Dienstag, 29. April 2008
Freitag, 25. April 2008
hold on a second...!
ok, right in this minute I should be really working on my pre-diploma. it's almost done and the deadline is close, too. but of course it's so hard to focus, I'm trying hard to force myself on working on... damn it! sometimes I think I got ADD (ADHS in german) since sitting still and doing something for longer than 15 minutes is almost beyond my abilities... so, let me tell you about yesterday (afterwards I'll continue the work, much more concentrated then):
I hear a noise.. what is it? oh, the alarm clock. I slowely open my eyes and the more I wake up, the more confused I become. who set this alarm? wasn't me. hm, maybe this person sleeping next to me? huh?! who is this person?? oh, just Katha! calm down, you don't know why she is sleeping next to you, but hey! rather find out why you STILL HAVE YOUR CLOTHES ON! now, that's really weird... well, I'm thinking slowly, asking Katha what's going on, trying to figure out what happened between that one shot of tequila last night and now. Katha wants to go to uni, but I decide won't as I come back from the loo, wavering. not that I would know what day we have or when my first seminar starts. and too many questions are still not answered yet. ...
somewhen later that day I wake up again. some facts coming back to my memory: it's thursday. the seminar starts in excactly 10 minutes. well, without me, then. the plan about getting up and work doesn't really work out and after about an hour I'm back in bed, dressed again, but different clothes this time. ...
Katha comes back from uni, it's somewhen in the evening, I get up to close that gap in my mind. ok, most of it I start remembering myself: we were back from bowling (birthday party of a friend of mine) and started drinking some tequila shots and cordial (Kräuterlikör). there was some loud music - Herbert Grönemeyer: Bleibt alles anders - and both of us bawling with it, "dancing", laughing, lying on the floor, nothing special, indeed. ok, that doesn't sound that bad, right? Katha tells me how she met our neighbourgh who had asked, what kind of party we had last night and if we played bowling in the kitchen. at least she wasn't really mad, since we rarely have parties like that! see, we are good girls! then I suddenly see the lit of the tequila bottle lying on the kitchen floor, I wonder if I had put the open bottle back in the cupboard... and Katha wonders why I look in there, saying: "Well, you won't find the bottle there! You threw it out of the window last night!" I look at her, my mouth open in disbelief... "You're kidding! Why should I...? I mean, there was something left in it, wasn't it?!" No, it was empty! and now everything starts making sense... I think there was only one other occasion in my life when I was so drunk that I can't remeber things, back in NZ, uuuhhh... at least I think I haven't hit anyone. or anything... important.
I felt quite bad for the rest of the day, and again I managed to be still drunk when showing up at work, although it's the late shift... there's only one thing I'm proud of: despite not knowing how or when it happened, my contact lenses found their way back in the box, even in the right order! but that tequila bottle will always be a mystery to me...
BTW, now you know the reason why the sardinia report is not here yet. I'm working on it. and BTW, no, this one won't be in german... guess why!
I hear a noise.. what is it? oh, the alarm clock. I slowely open my eyes and the more I wake up, the more confused I become. who set this alarm? wasn't me. hm, maybe this person sleeping next to me? huh?! who is this person?? oh, just Katha! calm down, you don't know why she is sleeping next to you, but hey! rather find out why you STILL HAVE YOUR CLOTHES ON! now, that's really weird... well, I'm thinking slowly, asking Katha what's going on, trying to figure out what happened between that one shot of tequila last night and now. Katha wants to go to uni, but I decide won't as I come back from the loo, wavering. not that I would know what day we have or when my first seminar starts. and too many questions are still not answered yet. ...
somewhen later that day I wake up again. some facts coming back to my memory: it's thursday. the seminar starts in excactly 10 minutes. well, without me, then. the plan about getting up and work doesn't really work out and after about an hour I'm back in bed, dressed again, but different clothes this time. ...
Katha comes back from uni, it's somewhen in the evening, I get up to close that gap in my mind. ok, most of it I start remembering myself: we were back from bowling (birthday party of a friend of mine) and started drinking some tequila shots and cordial (Kräuterlikör). there was some loud music - Herbert Grönemeyer: Bleibt alles anders - and both of us bawling with it, "dancing", laughing, lying on the floor, nothing special, indeed. ok, that doesn't sound that bad, right? Katha tells me how she met our neighbourgh who had asked, what kind of party we had last night and if we played bowling in the kitchen. at least she wasn't really mad, since we rarely have parties like that! see, we are good girls! then I suddenly see the lit of the tequila bottle lying on the kitchen floor, I wonder if I had put the open bottle back in the cupboard... and Katha wonders why I look in there, saying: "Well, you won't find the bottle there! You threw it out of the window last night!" I look at her, my mouth open in disbelief... "You're kidding! Why should I...? I mean, there was something left in it, wasn't it?!" No, it was empty! and now everything starts making sense... I think there was only one other occasion in my life when I was so drunk that I can't remeber things, back in NZ, uuuhhh... at least I think I haven't hit anyone. or anything... important.
I felt quite bad for the rest of the day, and again I managed to be still drunk when showing up at work, although it's the late shift... there's only one thing I'm proud of: despite not knowing how or when it happened, my contact lenses found their way back in the box, even in the right order! but that tequila bottle will always be a mystery to me...
BTW, now you know the reason why the sardinia report is not here yet. I'm working on it. and BTW, no, this one won't be in german... guess why!
Montag, 21. April 2008
island in the sun*
ok, I'm gonna leave a few words about my holiday (holiday in the truest sense of word, this time I was really able to relax...) but that has to wait until tomorrow...
but for those who can't wait, here's a pic:

now about now: well, it's just great! of course, I'm almost completely fallen into the post-holiday stress but besides... you know, there's this crazy little thing called frisbee and it makes me so happy! being with my team at the trainings-camp was as wonderful as expected! when I was standing at the field on saturday, all wet and muddy thanks to the rain, and still willing to go on, I knew I am a freak! it's quite late at the moment, so I can't think of any adequate words to describe the luckiness I sense playing this sport! and I was also quite successful during the game on sunday, seems I didn't forget everything in 2 weeks. the most joy was still being with the team, having a good laugh (one of us was falling down from his chair when I said "Klodisc" by misunderstanding "glowdisc") and taking care of each other. again I found some things happening when mostly unexpected... more later.
finally, I got the dates for my oral pre-diploma. they're in late may! yay! now I got enough time to learn! and I don't have to miss any good tournaments!
ooops, it's after midnight, and I got seminars tomorrow morning. Gonna go to bed, dreaming of endzone-layouts and the happy day when my tests will be over...
Sardinia-report soon!
also, ein paar Worte über meinen Urlaub (im wahrsten Sinne, konnte mich tatsächlich entspannen!) kommen noch, wer's nicht erwarten kann, siehe Bild oben als Vorgeschmack...
nun zu jetzt: alles super! nunja, irgendwie überrollt mich schon wieder der Post-Urlaubs-Stress aber abgesehendavon geht's mir prima. natürlich vor allem dank Frisbee; das Trainingslager mit dem Frankfurt-Team war genauso toll wie erwartet. als ich am Samstag so auf dem FEld stand, total dreckig und durchnässt dank des Wetters, aber trotzdem bereit weiterzumachen, wusste ich, dass ich ein Freak bin! wir hatten ne Menge Spaß, jemand ist echt vor Lachen vom Stuhl gefallen als ich statt "Glowdisc" (Leuchtscheibe) "Klodisc" verstand. und auch das gegenseitige umeinander kümmern gibt einem ein gutes Gefühl... und natürlich passieren mal wieder bestimmte Dinge, wnen man sie am wenigsten erwartet... später mehr.
endlich hab ich auch die Termine für meine mündlichen Vordiploms-Prüfungen: eine am 21., die andere am 30. Mai, gleich danach werde ich nach Dresden fahren. d.h. Freitag abend entweder vor Freude oder eben Frust betrinken ;)
so, einmal wachen wir noch auf, heißa dann steht der Urlaubs-Report hier drauf (ohne so schlechte Reime, versprochen!)
but for those who can't wait, here's a pic:
now about now: well, it's just great! of course, I'm almost completely fallen into the post-holiday stress but besides... you know, there's this crazy little thing called frisbee and it makes me so happy! being with my team at the trainings-camp was as wonderful as expected! when I was standing at the field on saturday, all wet and muddy thanks to the rain, and still willing to go on, I knew I am a freak! it's quite late at the moment, so I can't think of any adequate words to describe the luckiness I sense playing this sport! and I was also quite successful during the game on sunday, seems I didn't forget everything in 2 weeks. the most joy was still being with the team, having a good laugh (one of us was falling down from his chair when I said "Klodisc" by misunderstanding "glowdisc") and taking care of each other. again I found some things happening when mostly unexpected... more later.
finally, I got the dates for my oral pre-diploma. they're in late may! yay! now I got enough time to learn! and I don't have to miss any good tournaments!
ooops, it's after midnight, and I got seminars tomorrow morning. Gonna go to bed, dreaming of endzone-layouts and the happy day when my tests will be over...
Sardinia-report soon!
also, ein paar Worte über meinen Urlaub (im wahrsten Sinne, konnte mich tatsächlich entspannen!) kommen noch, wer's nicht erwarten kann, siehe Bild oben als Vorgeschmack...
nun zu jetzt: alles super! nunja, irgendwie überrollt mich schon wieder der Post-Urlaubs-Stress aber abgesehendavon geht's mir prima. natürlich vor allem dank Frisbee; das Trainingslager mit dem Frankfurt-Team war genauso toll wie erwartet. als ich am Samstag so auf dem FEld stand, total dreckig und durchnässt dank des Wetters, aber trotzdem bereit weiterzumachen, wusste ich, dass ich ein Freak bin! wir hatten ne Menge Spaß, jemand ist echt vor Lachen vom Stuhl gefallen als ich statt "Glowdisc" (Leuchtscheibe) "Klodisc" verstand. und auch das gegenseitige umeinander kümmern gibt einem ein gutes Gefühl... und natürlich passieren mal wieder bestimmte Dinge, wnen man sie am wenigsten erwartet... später mehr.
endlich hab ich auch die Termine für meine mündlichen Vordiploms-Prüfungen: eine am 21., die andere am 30. Mai, gleich danach werde ich nach Dresden fahren. d.h. Freitag abend entweder vor Freude oder eben Frust betrinken ;)
so, einmal wachen wir noch auf, heißa dann steht der Urlaubs-Report hier drauf (ohne so schlechte Reime, versprochen!)
Donnerstag, 3. April 2008
horrible and great
it's still early... quite early for a student at least. my friend Marie just left, on her way to the airport, off to Canada. she told me how nervous she feels and how afraid. the weird thing is, just after she got into the train and I turned and walked back home, I started feeling fear as well. at the moment it looks like I'm really flying alone to Sardinia, since Gesine had an accident at the football training (damn football, should play ultimate, it less dangerous! right, Gerald?!) and can't even walk with her injury... oh my god, I was so busy during the last weeks, I have no idea about the holiday, no further plan than the dates of arrival and departure. well, I have been on my own before, in New Zealand, much further away, much longer. but still...
"One night to be confused
One night to speed up truth
We had a promise made
Four hands and then away
Both under influence
We had divine scent
To know what to say
Mind is a razor blade
To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
For me, no"
the last weekend was one of my greatest ever since I play ultimate. our women's team, Frau Rauscher, outplayed everyone and scored point after point against teams whom we lost to x:sero like a year ago...(and an important factor: I was satisfied with myself which sometimes is independent of the team's effort.) we could hardly believe when our trainer told us we were in the finals and look even more confused after a 13:6 score against the Mainzelmädchen ("enemys" ever since). I remember how bad I felt after the first game on sunday since I didn't do any good as the rest of Frau Rauscher and we lost. I needed a break, went outside, in the sun, listened to Ben Harper, let everything out what would keep me from focusing later on. and it worked. We won the second game against Niedersachsen, the best team from the qualification, and then Volker told us about the finals. I was so happy I almost cried... Who would have expected that? I needed to tell someone. and then we beat the Mainzelmädchen... what? we won? Dirk wanted to take pictures of us celebrating and jumping but it took a while 'til we realized what happened. we were Deutscher Damen Meister 2. Liga!!!!!!!! incredible! seriously, even when the score had been 11:5 we were sure they would come back and still beat us. but no. we won! sorry, I just can't say that often enough! It may not sound anything special to anyone outside of Frankfurt/ ultimate but you gotta remember that a bit more than a year ago we lost EVERY game. some of the other women couldn't believe we're the same team. Finally, after all these trainings, lost tournaments but also social events, Frau Rauscher got rewarded for the hard work. We wouldn't be there without Volker who always relived our competetive spirits and sometime believed in our strength more than we did. I was more than grateful to be part of such an amazing team!
"One night of magic rush
The start a simple touch
One night to push and scream
And then relief
Ten days of perfect tunes
The colors red and blue
We had a promise made
We were in love"
that was sunday. on monday my grandma called, saying: "hey, do you hear me? Listen, I just wanna say goodbye!" you can imagine who shocked I was, expecting the worst... then she said she'll go to the hospital, enteritis. later on, my mum told me, it's not THAT bad and chances are good that my grandma will be out during the next week. I wondered why life can't stay nice just a little bit longer than 1 day...
on tuesday Gesine called to finally end the story of our holiday, involving an not fast enough healing injury and a lot of sadness. poor her! again, I wondered....
during the last days Marie was in Frankfurt for a short visit, it's been great to have her around. but I didn't get anything done. now it's thursday, and it makes me a little nervous that I don't have a plan. it always does. I think the problem is that it still surprises me so much that life surprises me!
actually, I'm happy. finally! but - yeah, there's always a but - there are these moments when I miss him so much and feel sorry, ashamed and lonely and the world stops turning for a second. I take a look at the people around me, see my reflection in their unhappy eyes and the desillusion of what I thought was believe in ourselves. It's hard not to pitty yourself when you're sure to have done everything you could to make it better. maybe - and that's what I must be convinced of right now - a holiday on my own is exactly what I need. facing the fear and see what it can do if I let it come over me without me struggeling and getting much stronger afterwards... that sounds like a plan.
"And you, you knew the hands of the devil
And you, kept us awake with wolf teeth
Sharing different heartbeats
In one night
To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
For me, no" *
"One night to be confused
One night to speed up truth
We had a promise made
Four hands and then away
Both under influence
We had divine scent
To know what to say
Mind is a razor blade
To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
For me, no"
the last weekend was one of my greatest ever since I play ultimate. our women's team, Frau Rauscher, outplayed everyone and scored point after point against teams whom we lost to x:sero like a year ago...(and an important factor: I was satisfied with myself which sometimes is independent of the team's effort.) we could hardly believe when our trainer told us we were in the finals and look even more confused after a 13:6 score against the Mainzelmädchen ("enemys" ever since). I remember how bad I felt after the first game on sunday since I didn't do any good as the rest of Frau Rauscher and we lost. I needed a break, went outside, in the sun, listened to Ben Harper, let everything out what would keep me from focusing later on. and it worked. We won the second game against Niedersachsen, the best team from the qualification, and then Volker told us about the finals. I was so happy I almost cried... Who would have expected that? I needed to tell someone. and then we beat the Mainzelmädchen... what? we won? Dirk wanted to take pictures of us celebrating and jumping but it took a while 'til we realized what happened. we were Deutscher Damen Meister 2. Liga!!!!!!!! incredible! seriously, even when the score had been 11:5 we were sure they would come back and still beat us. but no. we won! sorry, I just can't say that often enough! It may not sound anything special to anyone outside of Frankfurt/ ultimate but you gotta remember that a bit more than a year ago we lost EVERY game. some of the other women couldn't believe we're the same team. Finally, after all these trainings, lost tournaments but also social events, Frau Rauscher got rewarded for the hard work. We wouldn't be there without Volker who always relived our competetive spirits and sometime believed in our strength more than we did. I was more than grateful to be part of such an amazing team!
"One night of magic rush
The start a simple touch
One night to push and scream
And then relief
Ten days of perfect tunes
The colors red and blue
We had a promise made
We were in love"
that was sunday. on monday my grandma called, saying: "hey, do you hear me? Listen, I just wanna say goodbye!" you can imagine who shocked I was, expecting the worst... then she said she'll go to the hospital, enteritis. later on, my mum told me, it's not THAT bad and chances are good that my grandma will be out during the next week. I wondered why life can't stay nice just a little bit longer than 1 day...
on tuesday Gesine called to finally end the story of our holiday, involving an not fast enough healing injury and a lot of sadness. poor her! again, I wondered....
during the last days Marie was in Frankfurt for a short visit, it's been great to have her around. but I didn't get anything done. now it's thursday, and it makes me a little nervous that I don't have a plan. it always does. I think the problem is that it still surprises me so much that life surprises me!
actually, I'm happy. finally! but - yeah, there's always a but - there are these moments when I miss him so much and feel sorry, ashamed and lonely and the world stops turning for a second. I take a look at the people around me, see my reflection in their unhappy eyes and the desillusion of what I thought was believe in ourselves. It's hard not to pitty yourself when you're sure to have done everything you could to make it better. maybe - and that's what I must be convinced of right now - a holiday on my own is exactly what I need. facing the fear and see what it can do if I let it come over me without me struggeling and getting much stronger afterwards... that sounds like a plan.
"And you, you knew the hands of the devil
And you, kept us awake with wolf teeth
Sharing different heartbeats
In one night
To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
For me, no" *
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